It's the Little Things: This girl and her babies...

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Veronica and her babies.  One minute she is loving and adoring them and the next they're being tossed to the floor (and it happens in literally seconds).  The moments that she is "loving" them though, are some of my favorite!
She has one in particular that she favors (the one she's holding), but she loves all of them.  I always melt a little when I hear her playing all by herself and talking so sweetly to them. "It's okay baby, don't cry" as she rubs their back.  She gives them kisses, tucks them in at night, sits them beside her at her table when she colors...she won't sleep without her favorite baby doll bed with her.
On this particular day we were cleaning the dining room and had moved some of the chairs to mop and she took the opportunity to line up all the chairs and then sit her babies on each one of them.  The funniest part about theses pictures is that she asked me to take them (which is extremely out of character because usually I can't get her to sit still!).  She said, "Mommy, look - they're all lined up in a row."  She was so proud of herself that she actually wanted a picture taken and then refused to smile.  She looks so nonchalant and even a little worried!

These babies were all tossed to the floor moments after this picture ;)

Watching Veronica play and imitate so much of what she hears and learns from me as her mommy makes me so happy and thankful.  I think it's easy to take so much of day to day for granted and often times I find myself happy when she's actually playing on her own, so I can quickly get some things done.  But when we stop to take a moment and realize just how much they are absorbing and learning from you, it makes you really want to slow down and savor every moment.
This girl and her babies is something is the little things that I never want to forget.

As always, thank you to Ashely from Words about Waverly and Jess from Sadie Sky Boutique for this link up and happy Monday!



  1. So sweet, that picture is the cutest!!!!


  2. Aw, I love that picture! And I totally agree. I love when my daughter plays by herself so I can get something done real quick -- but I love even more when she looks up and crawls over to me, tugging on my leg for me to play with her. I know these moments won't last forever and I treasure each and every one.

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! Time goes way to quickly doesn't it? Thanks for the sweet message!
