Hello there! It's amazing how one week turns into two, next thing you know a month has gone by. Especially during the summer when we're all trying to soak up every last ounce of beautiful weather as summertime is so short here in Minnesota. Anyway, the point of that ramble was just to say that I know it's been awhile, but I'm back! :)
That being said, we spent the day up north recently in Duluth and Two Harbors, MN. We brought a little picnic with no real plan in mind. We stopped anywhere a long the way that looked like fun!
Sometimes going without a plan is the best plan. The sun was shining, the weather was perfect...it couldn't have been nicer.
We stopped at the most beautiful garden of flowers along the way and Veronica couldn't get enough of it. She takes after her Grandma with her love of flowers. I had to convince her not to pick every last one of them.

We ended our day in Two Harbors, MN before heading home. We had a nice little picnic where Veronica spent the whole time yelling at the seagulls that were anxiously awaiting our departure. She was convinced they were going to come and snatch up her "sam-ich" right out of her hand. (Which they just might have if we didn't keep shooing them away. I have the feeling they eat well up there ;)
A beautiful day with my two loves. Couldn't have been better.

Until next time,